Tuesday 9 November 2010

'Linking The Personal And The Social'

1.What important interface is presented through identity?

Identity presents the interface between the personal and the social. To elaborate upon this, the personal is what’s going on inside our heads and how we, as individuals, feel about who we are whereas the social is related to where we live and the economic and cultural factors. These aspects shape experience to make it possible for us to render different identities, even ones that are inaccessible or impossible.

2.Why do we need to look in detail at the relationship between changing social structures and changing identities?

There might be some uncertainties about who we are in contemporary UK. Also, before moving fully onto the social aspects, we need to be sure of how identities are formed as a result of the social structures. For example, we need to be able to confidently link agencies to structure and understand where we fit as individuals.

3.What happens when individuals take up a particular identity position?

When individuals take up a particular identity position, they’re rendering different symbols and sending out a variety of signals to other people. Human beings have the ability to imagine that they’re occupying a certain identity beforehand.

4.What is actually happening when we imagine ourselves as a successful student/footballer/dancer?

We’re looking at ourselves from an outsider’s perspective to experience to a certain extent what it’s actually like. We have the option to either imagine ourselves as successful or to imagine our failings, depending on what type of attitude we have. It might be a result of desire to be someone else.

5.Why and in what way do some identities ‘work’ so that we are drawn into them?

6.What important problem does Louis Althusser’s theory attempt to resolve?

The problem is where the individual stands in relation to socially constructed and even determined identity problems. He attempts to solve this by interpellation.

7.What is interpellation and how does it work?

Interpellation is a process whereby people recognise themselves in a particular identity and think ‘that’s me’. For example, imagine you’re walking down the street and someone calls your name, you then respond by acknowledging the fact they’re calling you. This is showing how your identity can immediately be established.

8.Come up with three examples of advertisements which seek to interpellate the reader in certain ways. Explain how the interpellation is working.

The emboldening of “I want YOU!” makes the advertisement feel specific to the reader. It’s playing to how men would’ve felt about joining the army and gives them a sense of courage.

This is a more contemporary advert which targets students. Lots of students of all different cultures and ethnicities aim to go and study at university therefore this billboard advertisement makes it feel specific to them

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